COST 869 - Mitigation options for nutrient reduction in surface water and groundwaters

List of options for reducing P and N loss from agriculture

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For practical purposes, the options are grouped in several categories, namely options for:

»» 1. Nutrient application management
»» 1.1 - General nutrient application management
»» 1.2 - Inorganic fertilizer application management
»» 1.3 - Manure production and application management
»» 1.4 - Manure surplus management

»» 2. Crop management

»» 3. Livestock management + production of minerals in manure
»» 3.1 - Overall production
»» 3.2 - Feeding
»» 3.3 - Grazing management
»» 3.4 - Point sources at farm scale

»» 4. Soil management
»» 4.1 - Ploughing / tillage
»» 4.2 - Measures for preventing erosion / increase infiltration
»» 4.3 - Miscellaneous

»» 5. Agricultural water management
»» 5.1 - Drainage - Reduce loss by overland flow to surface water
»» 5.2 - Drainage - Reduce loss by subsurface flow to surface water
»» 5.3 - Drainage - Reduce loss by artificial drainage to surface water
»» 5.4 - Irrigation

»» 6. Land use change
»» 6.1 - Land use re-location
»» 6.2 - Land use extensification

»» 7. Land infrastructure
»» 7.1 - Manage relationships between farm and rivers or streams
»» 7.2 - Manage relationships between livestock and rivers or streams
»» 7.3 - Manage ditch, stream or river boundaries
»» 7.4 - Create, maintain or manage field boundaries

»» 8. Measures in surface water
»» 8.1 - Channel management (ditches, streams)
»» 8.2 - Restoration of surface waters
»» 8.3 - Technological instruments
»» 8.4 - Options for abatement of eutrophication


1. Nutrient application management

1.1 General nutrient application management
[FS] P Index - a tool to evaluate risk of P runoff
[FS] Vegetative mining
[FS] Use a fertilizer recommendation system with soil testing
[FS] Method for determining the economically optimal rate of phosphorus fertilizer application
[FS] Do not apply P fertilizers to high P index soils
[FS] Integrate fertilizer and manure nutrient supply
[FS] Reduce fertilizer application rates
[FS] Reduce P-application based on soil P status
[FS] Reduce N-application
[FS] Reduced P application in peat soil
[FS] Fertilizer placement near crops
[FS] Avoid applying fertilizer and manure to high-risk areas
[FS] Avoid spreading fertilizer, manure or slurry onto fields at high-risk times

1.2 Inorganic fertilizer application management
[FS] Reducing P content of common NPK fertilizers

1.3 Manure production and application management
[FS] Increase the capacity of farm manure (slurry) stores
[FS] Adopt batch storage of solid manure or slurry
[FS] Minimize the volume of dirty water produced
[FS] Compost solid manure
[FS] Change from slurry to a solid manure handling system
[FS] Incorporate manure into the soil

1.4 Manure surplus management
[FS] Incinerate poultry manure


2. Crop management

[FS] Catch crops and cover crops


3. Livestock management + production of minerals in manure

3.1 Overall production
[FS] Optimize / reduce overall stocking rates on livestock farms

3.2 Feeding
[FS] Reducing content of N and P in dairy nutrition
[FS] The impact of nutrition on reduction of phosphate excretion in pigs

3.3 Grazing management
[FS] Harvest of grasslands for silage or hay instead of cattle grazing
[FS] Manage interaction between livestock and rivers or streams

3.4 Point sources at farm scale
[FS] Site solid manure heaps away from watercourses and field drains
[FS] Site solid manure heaps on concrete and collect the effluent


4. Soil management

4.1 Ploughing / tillage
[FS] Soil tillage and crop establishment practices to decrease nutrient losses to water – introduction
[FS] On clay and silty soils - direct drilling (no tillage) in spring compared to spring ploughing
[FS] On clay and silty soils - direct-drilling in early autumn instead of ploughing for winter crops
[FS] On sandy soils – spring rather than autumn cultivation for spring crop establishment
[FS] On medium to heavy soils - shallow cultivation in late autumn instead of autumn ploughing for spring crops
[FS] Shallow cultivation in early autumn instead of ploughing for winter crops
[FS] Cultivation along soil contours and across slopes
[FS] Ploughing to reduce stratification and shallow macropores
[FS] On compacted clay and silty soils - biological loosening or deep ploughing to destroy the plough pan and deep macropores
[FS] On clay and organic soils - tillage conditions to avoid soil compaction

4.2 Measures for preventing erosion / increase infiltration
[FS] Soil tillage methods to reduce erosion
[FS] Mulching
[FS] On clay and silty soils - soil cultivation to get an uneven winter soil surface
[FS] Tillage to avoid tramlines
[FS] On clay and silty soils - establishment of in-field buffer strips
[FS] Maintenance and enhancement of soil organic matter content
[FS] Use of soil stabilisers

4.3 Miscellaneous
[FS] Phosphorus immobilizing amendments to soil


5. Agricultural water management

5.1 Drainage - Reduce loss by overland flow to surface water
[FS] Construct ponding systems / increase soil levels along ditches
[FS] Construct grassed waterways
[FS] Install sedimentation boxes

5.2 Drainage - Reduce loss by subsurface flow to surface water
[FS] Removal of trenches and ditches / allow field drainage systems to deteriorate
[FS] and [FS] (to be combined) Install artificial drains / Improving sub-surface drainage systems

5.3 Drainage - Reduce loss by artificial drainage to surface water
[FS] and [FS] (to be combined) Use of controlled drainage for reducing the amount of water leaving a field
[FS] Let tile drainage water irrigate meadows / interrupt artificial drainage

5.4 Irrigation
[FS] Nutrient loss with surface irrigation
[FS] Tailwater recovery on irrigated fields for water and nutrient cycling


6. Land use change

6.1 Land use re-location
[FS] Land use re-location


7. Land infrastructure

[FS] Overview

7.1 Manage relationships between farm and rivers or streams
[FS] Minimize the volume of dirty water produced

7.2 Manage relationships between livestock and rivers or streams
[FS] Manage interaction between livestock and rivers or streams

7.3 Manage ditch, stream or river boundaries
[FS] Create and manage vegetated buffers at field boundaries
[FS] Maintain and /or manage riparian wetlands
[FS] Delineate the functional hydrographic network

7.4 Create, maintain or manage field boundaries
[FS] Field boundaries and their potential buffer functions – an overview
[FS] Hedges and hedgerow planting
[FS] Re-site gateways away from high risk areas


8. Measures in surface water

[FS] Protection aims for the hydrosphere: critical levels and critical loads of the nutrients C, N, P and S in surface waters and groundwater

8.1 Channel management (ditches, streams)
[FS] Stop for stream maintenance: weed cutting
[FS] Streambank and shoreline protection

8.2 Restoration of surface waters
[FS] Restoration of watercourses with reestablishment of inundated wetlands
[FS] Restored riparian wetlands
[FS] Reestablishing of lakes
[FS] Restoration of stream with reestablishment of inundated riparian wetlands

8.3 Technological instruments
[FS] Constructed wetlands

8.4 Options for abatement of eutrophication
[FS] Lake and pond treatment by nutrient inactivation

Updates of list with options, factsheets added on date:


76-310812 [FS] new: Avoid applying fertilizer and manure to high-risk areas
00-000000 Note: this factsheet combines the following 2 factsheets, which were cremoved from the list:
00-000000 [FS] Do not apply fertilizer to high-risk areas
00-000000 [FS] Do not apply manure to high-risk areas

77-310812 [FS] new: Avoid spreading fertilizer, manure or slurry onto fields at high-risk times
00-000000 Note: this factsheet combines the following 3 factsheets, which were thus removed from the list:
00-000000 [FS] Avoid spreading fertilizer to fields at high-risk times
00-000000 [FS] Do not spread farmyard manure to fields at high-risk times
00-000000 [FS] Do not spread slurry or poultry manure to fields at high-risk times

79-310812 [FS] new: Adopt batch storage of solid manure or slurry
00-000000 Note: this factsheet combines the following 2 factsheets, which were thus removed from the list:
00-000000 [FS] Adopt batch storage of slurry
00-000000 [FS] Adopt batch storage of solid manure

80-080110 [FS] new: The impact of nutrition on reduction of phosphate excretion in pigs
79-080110 [FS] new: Reducing dietary content of N and P excretion in dairy nutrition

00-080110 [FS] revised: Construct ponding systems / increase soil levels along ditches
00-080110 [FS] revised: Install artificial drains
00-080110 [FS] revised: Let tile drainage water irrigate meadows / interrupt artificial drainage
00-080110 [FS] revised: Construct grassed waterways

78-080110 [FS] new: Reestablishing of lakes
77-080110 [FS] new: Restoration of watercourses with reestablishment of inundated wetlands
76-080110 [FS] new: Stop for stream maintenance: weed cutting
75-080110 [FS] new: Restored riparian wetlands

00-290909 [FS] revised: Phosphorus immobilizing amendments to soil
00-170308 [FS] revised: Harvest of grasslands for silage or hay instead of cattle grazing
00-241008 [FS] revised: Adopt batch storage of slurry
00-241008 [FS] revised: Adopt batch storage of solid manure
00-151008 [FS] revised: Land use re-location

74-220808 [FS] new: Construct ponding systems / increase soil levels along ditches
73-220808 [FS] new: Construct grassed waterways
72-220808 [FS] new: Install sedimentation boxes
71-220808 [FS] new: Removal of trenches and ditches / allow field drainage systems to deteriorate
70-220808 [FS] new: Install artificial drains
69-220808 [FS] new: Use of controlled drainage for reducing the amount of water leaving a field
68-220808 [FS] new: Let tile drainage water irrigate meadows / interrupt artificial drainage

00-290508 [FS] revised: Shallow cultivation in early autumn instead of ploughing for winter crops
00-280508 [FS] revised: On medium to heavy soils - shallow cultivation in late autumn instead of autumn ploughing for spring crops
00-280508 [FS] revised: On sandy soils – spring rather than autumn cultivation for spring crop establishment
00-280508 [FS] revised: Re-site gateways away from high risk areas

67-260508 [FS] new: Fertilizer placement near crops
66-260508 [FS] new: Landuse re-location
65-260508 [FS] new: Improving sub-surface drainage systems

00-150508 [FS] revised: Avoid spreading fertilizer to fields at high-risk times
00-140508 [FS] revised: Reduce fertilizer application rates
00-140508 [FS] revised: Site solid manure heaps away from watercourses and field drains
00-140508 [FS] revised: Incinerate poultry manure
00-140508 [FS] revised: Minimize the volume of dirty water produced
00-140508 [FS] revised: Site solid manure heaps on concrete and collect the effluent
00-140508 [FS] revised: Compost solid manure

64-190408 [FS] Reestablishment of inundated riparian wetlands
63-190408 [FS] Lake and pond treatment by nutrient inactivation
62-190408 [FS] Increase the capacity of farm manure (slurry) stores
61-190408 [FS] Minimize the volume of dirty water produced
60-190408 [FS] Adopt batch storage of solid manure
59-190408 [FS] Change from slurry to a solid manure handling system
58-190408 [FS] Site solid manure heaps on concrete and collect the effluent
57-190408 [FS] Do not apply manure to high-risk areas
56-190408 [FS] Do not spread slurry or poultry manure to fields at high-risk times
55-190408 [FS] Incinerate poultry litter
54-190408 [FS] Compost solid manure
53-190408 [FS] Do not spread farmyard manure to fields at high-risk times
52-150408 [FS] Reducing P content of common NPK fertilizers
51-150408 [FS] Site solid manure heaps away from watercourses and field drains
50-150408 [FS] Compost solid manure
49-150408 [FS] Adopt batch storage of slurry
48-150408 [FS] Incorporate manure into the soil
47-150408 [FS] Streambank and shoreline protection
46-150408 [FS] Harvest of grass-clover fields for silage instead of cattle grazing
45-150408 [FS] Catch crops and cover crops
44-150408 [FS] Method for determining the economically optimal rate of phosphorus fertilizer application
43-150408 [FS] Land infrastructure - Overview
42-150408 [FS] Critical levels and critical loads of the nutrients C, N, P and S in surface waters and groundwater
41-140408 [FS] Avoid spreading fertilizer to fields at high-risk times
40-140408 [FS] Do not apply fertilizer to high-risk areas
39-140408 [FS] Delineate the functional hydrographic network
38-140408 [FS] Maintain and /or manage riparian wetlands
37-140408 [FS] Constructed wetlands
36-110408 [FS] Use of controlled drainage for reducing the amount of water leaving a field
35-110408 [FS] Nutrient loss with surface irrigation
34-110408 [FS] Reduced P application in peat soil
33-100408 [FS] Manage interaction between livestock and rivers or streams
32-100408 [FS] Create and manage vegetated buffers at field boundaries
31-100408 [FS] Field boundaries and their potential buffer functions – an overview
30-100408 [FS] Hedges and hedgerow planting
29-100408 [FS] Re-site gateways
28-100408 [FS] Soil tillage and crop establishment practices to decrease nutrient losses to water – introduction
27-100408 [FS] Soil tillage methods to reduce erosion
26-100408 [FS] Direct drilling (no tillage) in spring compared to spring ploughing
25-100408 [FS] Direct-drilling in early autumn instead of ploughing for winter crops
24-100408 [FS] Spring rather than autumn cultivation for spring crop establishment
23-100408 [FS] Shallow cultivation in late autumn instead of ploughing for spring crops
22-100408 [FS] Shallow cultivation in early autumn instead of ploughing for winter crops
21-100408 [FS] Cultivation along soil contours and across slopes
20-100408 [FS] Ploughing to reduce stratification and shallow macropores
19-100408 [FS] Biological loosening or deep ploughing to destroy the plough pan and deep macropores
18-100408 [FS] Tillage conditions to avoid soil compaction
17-100408 [FS] Mulching
16-100408 [FS] Topsoil loosening and increased surface roughness
15-100408 [FS] Avoid tramlines over winter
14-100408 [FS] Establishment of in-field buffer strips
13-100408 [FS] Maintenance and enhancement of soil organic matter content
12-100408 [FS] Use of soil stabilisers
11-090408 [FS] P Index - a tool to evaluate risk of P runoff
10-090408 [FS] Use a fertilizer recommendation system with soil testing
09-090408 [FS] Do not apply P fertilizers to high P index soils
08-090408 [FS] Integrate fertilizer and manure nutrient supply
07-090408 [FS] Reduce excessive soil organic matter content in relation to stocking / animal density on livestock farms
06-090408 [FS] Optimize / reduce overall stocking rates on livestock farms
05-090408 [FS] Phosphorus immobilizing amendments to soil
04-080408 [FS] Vegetative mining
03-080408 [FS] Use a fertilizer recommendation system with soil testing
02-080408 [FS] Reduce P-application based on soil P status
01-080408 [FS] Reduce N-application